Nightguards & Splints
Thermo-plastic treatment appliance that protects all teeth and muscle fatique from clenching while sleeping. The thermo-plastic material flexes in warm water, and when placed in the patients mouth it conforms to the contours of the teeth. The advantage of Clear-adapt is that it combines the advantage of a hard acrylic splint with those of a more pliable splint.
This is a unique combination of a heat cure hard acrylic laminate construction with a thermo-plastic tooth and tissue side. This offers the best of both worlds for patients of heavy bruxers and clenchers.
Clear Splint
The Clear Splint is a soft thermoplastic splint that is also monomer free.
Other Nightguards:
Hard Acrylic
MT Sinai Splint
Kois Splint
*All splints can be customized according to any special needs you may require. I.e cuspid rise, no occlusal coverage of anteriors, clasps etc.
Removable Appliances
We have the ability to produce both Hawley and Essix retainers.