Digital Scanning Hands-On Night with iTero & Durban
Wed, Mar 20
Not sure how to take “lab-approved” scans? Want a “test-drive” before purchasing your first scanner? Interested in learning more tips and tricks when taking scans? If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, you definitely should come to our Digital Scanning Hands-On Night, tailor-made by i
Time & Location
Mar 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Toronto, 595a Trethewey Dr, North York, ON M6M 4B8, Canada
About the event
Not sure how to take “lab-approved” scans? Want a “test drive” before purchasing your first scanner? Interested in learning more tips and tricks when taking scans?
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, you definitely should come to our Digital Scanning Hands-On Night, tailor-made by iTero and Durban Dental Lab, FOR FREE!
With multiple scanners available onsite, you'll have the opportunity to:
- Practice scanning skills on models, single unit crown, implants, and dentures in small groups with your assistants/hygienists
- Utilize iTero applications to grow your practice; occlusalgram, timelaspe & NIRI technology
- Learn how to efficiently fill out the Rx and communicate with the lab
Don’t see topics you are interested in? Let us know what you want to learn more about!
To maximize your learning experience, spaces for this exclusive course are VERY LIMITED, so don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your digital dentistry skills. Register now to reserve your spot!
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Time: 6PM – 9PM
Location: Durban Dental Labs
Bring your questions, bring your assistants, let’s learn!
For any inquiries or interested in registration, feel free to contact us at